Survey on the Current State of Resources for Learning Surgical Operations


This survey aims to understand your situation in learning and improving surgical techniques and accumulating surgical experience

Personal Information



Medical department:



Private Hospital Public Hospital


  1. What are the main ways you usually learn and improve your surgical techniques?

    • Reading professional books

    • Watching video materials

    • Participating in surgeries as an assistant

    • Completing surgeries as the lead surgeon

    • Practicing with model simulations

    • Going out for exchanges

    • Others ___________

  2. During the process of learning and improving surgical techniques, which parts do you focus on?

    • Judging the diseased area

    • Handling emergencies

    • Surgical instrument handling skills

    • Others

  1. Do the existing methods meet your learning needs?

    • Completely satisfied

    • Mostly satisfied

    • Average

    • Not very satisfied

    • Not satisfied at all

  1. Do you find it difficult to learn and improve surgical techniques?"

    1. Very difficult

    2. Quite difficult

    3. Average

    4. Fairly easy

    5. Very easy


    • Do you encounter problems that you cannot solve on your own during the process of learning and improving surgical techniques?

      1. Very frequently

      1. Quite frequently

      1. Sometimes

      1. Rarely

      1. Almost never

    • If so, what are the usual ways you solve these problems?

      1. Reading professional books

      1. Searching for and watching video materials

      1. Asking other doctors with relevant experience

      1. Others ___________

  1. Can your problems be solved through the above methods?

    • Cannot be solved at all

    • Can be partially solved

    • Can be completely solved


    • Do you go out to study and share medical knowledge?

      • Yes, the frequency is approximately ___________

      • No

    • If so, where do you go to study and share medical knowledge?
    • How helpful is this method for you?

      • Extremely helpful

      • Somewhat helpful

      • Not helpful